The military exercise was condemned as an act of aggression. 这次军事演习被谴责为一次挑衅行为。
The so-called war on terror and military aggression abroad are linked to repression within the United States. 所谓的反恐战争以及对外军事扩张都联系着对国内的压迫。
· both military and economical aggression had greatly disturbed and limited the development of urban public space; 第三,军事与经济的双重侵略,严重干扰和限制了城市公共空间的发展;
For the past few years the US, Japan and South Korea have appealed to China to have a conversation on what to do in the event of new instability in Pyongyang – either military aggression or an implosion in the regime. 过去几年来,美国、日本和韩国一直呼吁中国就如下问题与它们进行对话:假如平壤方面出现新的不稳定局面(发动军事侵略或政权内部瓦解),该如何应对?
It could not have proved a difficult task to a well-organised league of Italian military powers to defend the independence of Italy against the aggression of the great monarchies. 让意大利的军事力量组成一个坚强的联盟以保卫意大利的独立不受大君主国的侵略,这还不能确证就是一项艰巨的任务。
On12 july, the Congolese government asked for United Nations military assistance to protect the national territory of the Congo against external aggression. 七月十二日,刚果政府请求联合国给予军事援助,保护刚果国土不受外来侵略。
China's use of APLs under legitimate circumstances is entirely aimed at preventing foreign military interference and aggression so as to maintain national unity and territorial integrity and safeguard its people's well-being. 中国在合法条件下使用杀伤人员地雷,完全是为了防止外来军事干涉和侵略,维护国家统一与领土完整,保障人民安居乐业。
Shortly after the start of the multinational military intervention, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in a televised speech, urged the Libyans to fight against such aggression. 跨国军事干扰开始不久,利比亚领导人G在一次电视讲话中激励利比亚人们抵抗如此的侵略。
However, most analysts expect the transition of power from Kim Jong-il to his son, Kim Jong-eun, will be smooth and that the chances of military aggression are low. 不过,多数分析师预计,从金正日到其子金正恩(kimjong-eun)的权力转移将是平稳的,朝鲜发动军事挑衅的可能性比较低。
During the second world war, the Japanese writers of the "pen hoop" and military writers created a lot of literature of aggression a-gainst china. 二战期间,日本的“笔部队”作家和军队作家创作了大量侵华文学。
Neither China nor Japan could sustain a policy of military aggression that did not enjoy popular support. 中国和日本都无法推行得不到民众支持的军事侵略政策。
Meanwhile, the president of the Philippines, another claimant which has also accused China of harassment at sea, said the American military presence deters aggression in the area. 于此同时,菲律宾总统,南海争端另一当事国也称受到中国骚扰,表示美军的存在阻止了这一地区的挑衅行为。
In theory, he realized that Western military science can resist foreign aggression and foreignerswere not yidi. 从理论上,他认识到西方军事科学可抵御外侮、洋人非夷狄之辈。
How can they fail to realize that this is not the way to curb military aggression and end war? 他们怎么会不了解这不是制止军事侵略和结束战争的方法?
Venezuela also condemned the military aggression against Libya, saying it violates the country's sovereignty and self-determination. 委内瑞拉也谴责对利比亚的军事进攻,称其违反了国家主权及独立性。
Conclude anti-aggression alliances and anti-Japanese pacts for mutual military aid with all countries that are opposed to Japanese aggression, provided that this entails no loss of our territory or of our sovereign rights. 在不丧失领土主权的范围内,和一切反对日本侵略主义的国家订立反侵略的同盟及抗日的军事互助协定。
A rapid build-up of the Chinese military has fueled perceptions of aggression, unnerved China's neighbors and caused Washington to insist Beijing more clearly explain its intentions. 中国迅速增长的军事力量激起了他们争霸的野心,这使得中国的邻居们很不安,也是的华盛顿坚持要北京明确说明他的意图。
Threat of massive military aggression. 大规模军事入侵的威胁。
He said that China had no history of military aggression and expansion and need a peaceful and steady international environment. 他说中国没有军事侵略和扩张的历史并且需要一个和平稳定的国际环境。
An Analysis the Military Strategy of Japan's Aggression to China Before and After the Lugou Bridge Incident 卢沟桥事变前后日本侵华军事战略分析
Barack Obama, President, ordered us military commanders "to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression" from North Korea, the White House said. 白宫表示,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统已下令美军指挥官“确保准备就绪,制止朝鲜未来的挑衅行为”。
The phase of military deadlock passed slowly into one of aggression upon the combatant populations behind the fronts by the destruction of food-supplies and by attacks through the air. 通过破坏食物供应、实行空中打击,军事僵持阶段缓慢过渡到对后方战斗人员的侵犯。
The geo space is the flying area of satellites, manned space craft, space shuttles and space stations and the active area for outer space resources exploitation, earth observation, military space defense and aggression, and space experiments. 地球空间是人造地球卫星、载人航天器、航天飞机和空间站的飞行区域,是目前人类开发和利用太空资源、从事对地观测与太空科学实验、进行太空军事进攻与防御的主要活动领域。
Under such circumstances, Wei Liao Zi states that a nation should establish a "complete victory" situation concerning politics, economy, popular support and strategic principles before military activities in order to win a complete victory over the external aggression. 在此背景上,《尉缭子》提出,一个国家在战前就必须在政治、经济、民心士气和战略方针等方面确立必胜形势,然后才能取得对外战争的全面胜利。
Border military fastnesses in the Chinese northeast& Ironclad proof of aggression of Japan 东北边境军事要塞&日本侵略扩张的铁证
Gorbachev decided to retreat from Afghanistan when he found the military aggression was in vain. 戈尔巴乔夫上台后,在军事手段仍然无效的情况下,决定从阿富汗退出。
The military aggression of Japanese forces brought China a serious refugee issue. 日军侵华给中国带来严重的难民问题。